Collection guidelines
- ACP offers an efficient way of thematically linking sets of papers published in ACP and other Copernicus journals. Collections cover specific topics within the scope of one or more Copernicus journals.
- Papers in collections are bibliographically based in their individual journal library and co-listed on collection web pages.
- Papers of any manuscript type can be included in a collection.
- Papers will be assigned to a collection after their publication as a journal article. Therefore, all manuscripts to be published in a collection must be within the journal scope and comply with the manuscript types and with the same quality standards as any submission to ACP.
- Published papers may be included retroactively in newly created collections.
- Authors may ask the handling editor after the acceptance of their paper for publication in ACP to include their journal article in an existing collection. The final decision for inclusion is made by an executive editor .
- Collections are initiated by the ACP executive editors .
Inter-journal collections
- A collection can comprise publications in any number of Copernicus' open-access journals.
- All published papers are co-listed on a joint collection web page (in addition to the regular chronological volume of each journal).